Commissioning a Clay Sculpture

Male Torso – stoneware with faux bronze finish – H 14.5″ W 13″ D 6″
Sculptor Jim Fatata provides many options for a client wishing to commission a clay sculpture of themselves, another person of special interest to them, or of a specific subject matter of special interest to them. A torso sculpture, described below, is one of the more common types of sculptures commissioned, but other types of sculptures can be created.
Torso Sculpture: A clay torso sculpture is a representation of the trunk of the body. In addition, it includes a small part of the neck but not the head, a portion of the arms above the elbow, and the legs above the knees. A torso sculpture can be either a standing, seated, or reclining pose. If a standing pose is selected, most clients ask for a completed sculpture that is approximately 12 to15 inches in height — ideal for displaying on a coffee or end table, bookshelf, or pedestal.
Process: It normally takes two 3-hour sessions, scheduled on different days, to complete a torso sculpture. Occasionally, depending on the complexity of the pose, an additional session may be required. During each 3-hour session the client will pose nude, or semi nude if they prefer, for 20 minute time intervals separated by 5-minute breaks. Upon completion, the sculpture must be slowly dried over a 4-8 week period. Prior to firing in a kiln the sculpture can be glazed or left unglazed depending on the preference of the client. Once fired, an unglazed sculpture will have a clear finish applied to seal the surface. Fired glazed sculptures need no additional treatment to their surface. Felt will be placed on the base of the sculpture. If a client is not available to pose in person, and depending on the complicity of the commission, a torso sculpture may possibly be completed using just photos.
Schedule: Sculpting sessions are normally conducted during afternoons or evenings. However, sessions can be scheduled at other times to fit a client’s schedule.
Location: Sculpting sessions will be held in the artist’s studio at 602-G East Chatham Street, Cary, NC 27511.
Cost: The cost of a commissioned clay torso sculpture or other type of sculpture will depend on the size of the sculpture and other specific issues related to what a client wants. Every effort is made to create a sculpture that fulfills the vision and expectation of the client. Therefore input and communication as the sculpture moves toward completion is necessary. Once details of what is wanted is provided, then a price for the sculpture can be given. A deposit of 10% of the price of the sculpture may be required if a client wishes to proceed with the commission. The final payment for a sculpture is due at the completion of the sculpture. If the completed sculpture does not meet the client’s expectations, or for any other reasons the client does not wish to proceed with the purchase, the client may decline the purchase without any additional financial obligation. If the purchase is declined the deposit and completed sculpture will become the property of the sculptor. Clients will not receive any payment for the time spent posing for the sculpture.
Sculptor: James (Jim) Fatata is an accomplished artist who specializes in figurative sculptures. His works have been juried into numerous art shows and exhibitions. You can see examples of his work by visiting Litmus Art Gallery and his studio at 602-G East Chatham Street, Cary, NC 27511 or by viewing his work on this website (